Q: When are auditions for dance team?
A: Sometime in late May or early June. You will be informed in Mr. Nakauchi's Dance classes.
Q: What's does the Jazz Dance Team do?
A: The Jazz Dance Team must learn about 4-6 different routines of various styles (Jazz, Lyrical, Modern, and/or
Character). Some of their previous events include: Disneyland Parades, Clippers Halftime performances,
competitions at various high schools, as well as Magic Mountain, Knott's, Hurricane Harbor, the Kodak Theater, and a National
Competition in Las Vegas. They also perform in two lunchtime shows a year, as well as the Dance Production.
Q: I'm really good at Jazz. Why didn't I make it?
A: Not only do you have to be strong in technique, you must also be adapt at working within other styles
other than your own. Also, you must have a great charisma, energy, and focus while performing. If any of those
elements are missing or weak, it lessens your chances of making the team.
Q: Is is tough to get on dance team?
A: It can be. We are looking for experienced dancers with strong technique and good attitudes. Nearly
all of our dancers have studio experience, which is very helpful. Usually, less than 1/3 of those auditioning make
it--sometimes less than that. Still, it is always worthwhile to try--it's a great way to gain audition experience!
Q: What is "studio experience"?
A: This means you are taking dance classes outside of school, and in outside dance studios such as Edge, Millennium,
Debbie Reynolds, Hama's, Lula Washington, Art of the Dance, Center Stage, Marge Patka, Performing Arts Center, etc..
There are many good ones all over--ask Mr. Nakauchi or other dancers for good ones near you.
Q: What is the audition like?
A: You will spend about two to three days after school learning contempory jazz routine. Also,
if you are not a current or past student of Mr. Nakauchi, you will need to bring in a reference from a prior dance teacher.
You will be judged based on four categories: Knowledge of Routine, Technique, Presentation/Appearance, and References/Recommendations.
You will be performing in groups of about 3 or 4 in front of both Mr. Nakauchi and an impartial, outside judge who will not
know any of the students beforehand.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Including uniforms, competitions, costumes, instructor fees, etc., it runs approximately $800 for the year.
However, not all the money is due at one time. Fees are paid as they come up. Some fundraising is done, but it
rarely covers all costs needed to perform.
Q: What happened to the Hip Hop Team?
A: The Hip Hop Team was retired in 2008, after a three year run. The demands of running an additional Hip
Hop Team, in addition to the Jazz Team and regular dance classes, proved to be overwhelmning. There are no immediate
plans to bring it back under Mr. Nakauchi's direction.
Dance Class Questions
Q: Is your class hard?
A: It depends on your prior dance background, your expectations, and how hard you are willing to work. Since
this is a Performing Arts Magnet, the grading scale will not be easy. To excel in the class, you must always be willing
to work and try new things. You must participate at all times. You must have good attendance. Actual
dance ability is not the most important factor! Having a good attitude is.
Q: I'm not a very good dancer! Will that affect my grade?
A: As mentioned above, actual dance ability is not the main quality I look for in my grading. I feel a sincere
effort, discipline, and a strong work ethic are much more important factors in helping you be a successful dancer. If
you find yourself complaining, "I don't feel like dancing" in my class, then you will not get a good grade in my class.
Q: I missed a movement exam/run. What can I do?
A: Specific answers will vary, depending on the circumstances. They can be typically made up in a reasonable
amount of time (no more than 2 weeks), but it is your responsibility to remind Mr. Nakauchi about your situation.
See Mr. Nakauchi for further details.
Q: I don't understand the class titles. What's the difference between Beginning Dance and Beginning Dance/Choreography/Production?
A: The class titles were chosen so that they would be considered transferable for university credit. Essentially,
Beginning Dance is just as it sounds. All incoming freshmen are required to begin at this level. Beginning Dance/Chor/Prod
is considered an Intermediate and Advanced level class. Only upperclassmen and students who have previously completed
Beginning Dance should enter.
Q: I have a lot of dance experience. Can I move up to the next level?
A: Mr. Nakauchi's class is very stylized, and covers a wide range of movement, including Ballet, Jazz, Modern,
and student's own choreography. Many previous dance classes at other schools may not necessarily prepare you for
the high school level, although studio classes help. It will be up to Mr. Nakauchi's discretion. He will observe
you in class, or work out an audition if possible, and then make the necessary recommendations.
Occasionally, students do enter a level they are not ready for due to a counseling error or
scheduling problem. This will happen from time to time, and can be frustrating for all. However, those students
are still expected to achieve to the designated class level as best as possible, at the risk of a lowered grade if little
or no improvement is shown.
Q: Is Dance PE Credit?
A: The situation is in flux. As of now, the 2006-7 school year, rest assured that Dance will be
given PE credit. However, whether it remains as such for the following school years remains to be seen.